Saturday, August 17, 2013

Weed the weed garden!

Weed the Weed Garden!

Yep, I can see it now, I'll have to weed my weed garden.  lol  I started an edible weed garden outside of my veggie garden this year.  This photo was actually taken a month or so ago shortly after starting it.  It's not much too look at yet.  It has things like Lambs Quarters (which I love cooked), Purslane, Chickweed, Goatsbeard, Cow Parsnip, Evening Primrose, etc.  Even if I discontinue some of it later, I definitely want to keep adding Lambs Quarters as I find it scattered on other parts of the property.  It's eaten as a green in different parts of the world, but we throw it out as a weed.  If you pinch off the top part, it keeps growing.  You can see some pictures of that and some of the others I mentioned on this post.. (click here)

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