Edible Landscaping
This post is a work in progress, and I will add to it now and then. See also Wild Edibles, Edible Wild Berries, Edible Garden Flowers, etc. :)
On this post, I plan to talk about plants that people commonly put in their gardens for show, not so much for eating. I think it's good to know plants you can use to supplement your other food in case of hard times. I also think it's fun and interesting to learn about. I often add things to my salads from the woods or gardens to make them more interesting like Trout Lily flowers and bulbs (I posted on those on Wild Edibles) and Violet or Pansy flowers.
I have to do a disclaimer here. ;) I'm not an expert, and you should check several sources and photos before trying something you have never eaten before to make sure you get the right plant. "If in doubt, throw it out." Some people have allergies to plants that they have never tried before, so it's good to start with a small amount.
Common Day Lily
Here are a couple good articles on harvesting and identifying Day Lilies. (click here) and (click here)
Young Day Lily shoots coming up in spring.
1 Day Lily, young shoots and the tubers on the bottom.
I used a potato peeler to take most of the
tougher skin off the tubers.
Sauteed in butter. Yum!
Dead Nettle, Archangel
(yellow, white, or purple)
I have the yellow one (Lamiastrum Galeobdolon), and it's called Yellow Dead Nettle, Golden Dead Nettle, Yellow Archangel, etc. Young shoots and leaves can be eaten raw or cooked,
boiled or sauteed. More mature leaves are better cooked as they will be
tougher. Some people make a soup, and they can be added to salads. The flowers
are edible.
I didn't care for them raw. Cooked, they were ok. Some people are very fond of them. I
think they would be better in a soup or stew. I saw a recipe somewhere for soup
with onion and garlic in with them.
are growing over an archway in my
They really take off! :)
All varieties of Sedum are edible, but the ones with yellow flowers can have a mild toxicity that is taken away with cooking. The young leaves and stems are edible cooked or raw, and you can cook the older ones for a short time to make them tender. Sedum is good added to salads, stir-fry, soups, etc. Young tubers/roots can be eaten. Eating a large amount of raw Sedum is said to possibly cause an upset stomach. If the one you try is a little bitter tasting, stir-frying should take that away. There is also a Sedum that grows in the wild. I have them growing on my property.
This web site (click here) gives a recipe for relish. "Fry Sedum leaves
with slivers of sweet bell peppers and onions at a high heat in olive oil until
the onions are browned and bell peppers nearly translucent, then add pepper to
taste and use as a relish on hotdogs or gardenburgers. Refrigerate for use as
Update: I tried the relish above, minus the bell peppers, so really just Sedum and onion, and it was quite good. I was wishing I had a hotdog or hamburger to put it on. :)
Sedum "relish"
Sedum coming up in spring, Sedum leaf
This is a wild Sedum that I dug on my property that was growing under pine
trees and put in my garden. It didn't bloom pretty until I put it in the sun. The wild
ones are more scrawny looking than the tame ones but still pretty.
trees and put in my garden. It didn't bloom pretty until I put it in the sun. The wild
ones are more scrawny looking than the tame ones but still pretty.