
Friday, November 22, 2013

Dock Plants, Dock Seed Flour

Dock Plants, Dock Seed Flour

Broadleaf Dock with flowers.

A young Curly/Yellow Dock

Dock Seeds
You have probably seen these along roads.
Dock (Rumex) is in the buckwheat family.  The young leaves can be eaten raw or cooked.  You can use them anyway you would spinach or add the raw leaves to salads.  It should be eaten in moderation.  Older leaves should be boiled in changes of water to remove the bitterness, oxalic acid.  Young flower stalks can be peeled and eaten.  Once the seeds are brown, they can be eaten cooked or raw.  Keep in mind, the seeds are very high in fiber.  ;)  Seeds can also be used as a substitute for coffee.  The seeds can be ground into a flour to be used as a flour extender (mix with regular flour).  No need to hull the seeds.  You can use a blender, grain mill, mortar and pestle, coffee grinder, etc.

Some people boil the roots and use them in medicinal ways.  You can look up more info on that and how to do it.  I'm not getting into the medicinal aspects of the plants quite yet but plan to. 

This looks like a good article about Dock...  (click here)
Wikipedia article...  (click here)

 Dock Seeds
Pick the stems with the brown dry seeds 
in late summer and fall. 

The seeds pull off easily.  
Pick out leaves, stem bits. 

Cleaned out.


Dock Flour Bread (one loaf)

1 package active dry yeast
1 3/4 cups warm water 
2 Tbsp sugar
1-1/2 tsp salt
1-1/2 Tbsp shortening
3 cups flour
2 cups Dock flour

You can adjust the ratios of flour to your own taste, using less or more Dock flour and can use a mix of white, wheat, Dock.  

Dissolve the yeast in about 1/2 cup of the warm water (hot or cold can kill the yeast) and then add the rest of the water.   Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.  You want the dough to be easy to handle.  You can add extra water or flour if necessary.  Knead on a floured surface for about 10 minutes.  Place in a greased bowl and brush the top with melted butter.  Cover and let rise until double.  Punch it down and then roll out or just press it with your hands into a rectangle shape and then roll into a bread shape, tucking the ends under.  Place in a greased bread pan, brush with butter, and let rise until double.  Cook at 400 degrees for about 25 minutes.  Brush with butter.

Kneaded and ready to rise.

Fresh from the oven and brushed with butter.

Here is another recipe for Dock Flour Bread... (click here)

Dock Seed Crackers
1 c flour
1 c dock seed flour
1 tsp salt

Mix water until pliable but not sticky.  Roll as thin as possible.  Greased cookie sheet, 10-12 minutes, 375 degrees.
Recipe source.. (click here) 

Thanks for checking out my blog.  


  1. Thanks for the great recipe! I featured it on my blog :)

  2. Leaves have oxalic acid, like spinach so use in moderation. I also used to eat the raw green seeds as a kid, they go good with butterfly (wild radish) flowers and pods eaten like peas and sour grass, makes ones mouth water just to think of all the sourgrasses :~) yum
