
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Quicky Rocket Stove

Quicky Rocket Stove

Please excuse my beat up old bricks.  :P  I just used what I had to show you a quicky inexpensive rocket stove that you can set up in just a few minutes.  These bricks, obviously, wouldn't last very long.  Fire bricks would be the best option.   

You need, minimum, 14 full bricks and 2 half bricks.  You can use all full bricks, but two will be sticking out.  No biggie.

There are many different ways to make rocket stoves.  Just do an on-line search.  Some people use cans, buckets, cement blocks, etc.  Here is a web site that shows you how to use cans.  (click here)

Obviously, you need a fire-safe base or at least
 bare ground to put the rocket stove on.  I used
 these 4 landscaping blocks that I had. 

You really only need, at most, 3-1/2 bricks
 for the bottom layer...

...but I like to put 1 in the front to 
hold the sticks in, in case some roll out, and I 
didn't have another half brick for the back (I had 
only 1 that I used  up higher) so just used a whole 
one and added an extra one on the right side 
just to even it out.  

Layer two, 3-1/2 bricks .  (Two photos)  (If you use a 
full brick instead of the half brick, you will just have
 to support it underneath with another brick or 

Layer three, 4 bricks.  (Two ph0tos.) 

Layer four, 4 bricks. (Two photos.) 

Ta da!

I used two of my fire starters made of scrap wax,
 dryer lint, and cardboard egg carton to start the 
fire with.  See my Fire Starter blog post for info on 
that.  (click here)  They work great. 
Gathered my sticks to get it going.  

We have lift off.

There was no breeze today, so I pulled one 
brick forward to make a hole in the side to let 
more air in.

You can control the fire somewhat by how much
 oxygen you let in to it.  You can close it off more with 
the pot for example, to make it burn less hot.  I 
pulled the extra brick off from the front (that holds the 
sticks in nicely) to let more air in too since there was 
no breeze today.  I put three small rocks at the edges 
to hold the pan up to let more air in, which worked 
really well. 

I just boiled some water and added Chaga 
and Pine Needles to make tea. You can check out my 
blog post that includes Pine needle tea.  (click here) 
...and another talks about Chaga from 
Birch trees. (click here)  

So, how about a hot cup of wilderness Chaga and Pine 
needle tea?  Yeah, there are a lot more tasty things 
I can think of to cook over a rocket stove, but 
at least this was up one from just boiling water.  ;)

Thanks for taking the time to check out my blog.  
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