
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Terra-Cotta Candle Heaters?

Terra-Cotta Candle Heaters?

(The 2-pot version at the bottom of my post
 here seemed to work a tiny bit better.  This one didn't 
work at all.)

I've seen these around the web a lot, specially on "survival" boards on Pinterest; so I thought I would give it a try.  They are supposed to enhance the heat of a candle/candles in a small room in an emergency or to save money.  I wasn't impressed at all.  Very disappointed actually.  I've tried it several ways now.  The first time, I didn't have as many washers and nuts.  I tried it again today, improving it, and got the same results.  I think there are better options like the emergency alcohol heater I did a blog on.  (click  here)  I tried it in my tiny bathroom, just 4 feet x 8 feet, and closed the door for an hour. I had a thermometer right next to it, and it didn't even budge.  If it did, it wasn't enough that I could even tell.  It felt good to hold my cold hands on the outside pot, but that was about it.  

The parts I used this time.

You simply put a bolt through the holes in the bottom of 3 Terra-Cotta pots.  First, put a washer on the bolt so it closes off the hole of the large pot.  Put the large pot on.  Then, put on a washer, two nuts, and then another washer. Then put the next pot on and repeat until you have 3 pots together. Then, I filled up the rest of the bolt with washers and nuts like the Kandleheeter advertisement shows.  (click here)  You want to fashion a stand or prop it on something around the candle. I used soup cans.

I tried it like this and then with the candle up higher.  
As you can see, I used soup cans to prop the pots on.
Note the thermometer on the left.

I also tried it with the candle up as high as I could put it.

I even tried 4 Tealights, same as using 4 candles, same results, nuttin'!


I also tried this 2-pot version (photos below) that I saw a video clip on.  (click here)  Again, I put it in my tiny 4 x 8 foot bathroom and closed the door for an hour with a thermometer right next to it.  It seemed to go up one degree.  Not much huh?  (Note, I wouldn't suggest using something like this to heat a small room on a regular basis like the guy in the video.  Most candles have carcinogens, so you shouldn't use them too much.  You would want to get soy candles, so I hear.)  My interest in these was for emergency situations.

Four Tealights.  You can use a tray like in the video clip as 
long as the pots aren't down too close around the candles.  
If they don't get enough oxygen, they go out.  
(I used cat food cans to prop the pots on.)

Put a smaller pot over the candles (this pot is 4 inches) 
blocking the hole in the bottom. 

 Put a larger pot over that one (this pot is 6 inches),  leaving the hole open.

That's it.

See how close the thermometer is? (Left side, on the other 
side of that frame so it wasn't directly affected by the 
flames to get an accurate temperature.)

Thank you for reading my blog!  Leave a comment below if you would like.  You don't have to sign in.
 Share your experiences if you tried one of these.   :)

Fish Antibiotics for EMERGENCY Situations

Fish Antibiotics for EMERGENCY Situations 

I'm hesitant to write about this because it's dangerous for everyone in the long run if people abuse antibiotics and take them when not necessary.  That is one of the ways "super bugs" form that are resistant to antibiotics.  Also, a person can become resistant to antibiotics if they take them too much, specially when they don't even need them.  Sometimes, if antibiotics aren't working well, the person has to be admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics.  They need to be reserved for when really necessary. 

At the same time, I think a person has a right to be prepared in case of a major emergency when it may be harder to get to the doctor or get the medicines they need.  ...or even if it's not safe to go to the doctor because a major epidemic is going around.  (Yep, it's possible and, honestly, I believe, probable someday in the near future.  Even my doctor was talking about it.)  So, please don't self-diagnose yourself as needing antibiotics.  I'm simply posting this information so that people can get some to store away for an emergency situation if they wish. Use your own discretion.  I'm not qualified to give medical advice to anyone on antibiotics. I'm just passing on information I've learned.  :)

Keep in mind too, many infections we get are viral, not bacterial; and antibiotics are not effective against viral infections.  Many people go to the doctor demanding antibiotics for an infection that antibiotics won't work against anyway.  Also, there are different antibiotics that are more effective for different things. 

I'm hoping that most of the people who read this, seeing as how it is a survival/preparedness blog, will use their heads and use this information wisely.  :)

Ok, here it is.  You can buy fish antibiotics (and bird antibiotics) legally without a prescription.  They are sold for fish, but they are the same meds used for people.  Some pet stores carry them in pill form; or you can get them on-line, like e-bay.

 Here are a couple of articles you may want to check out for more information:

Thanks for checking out my blog.  
Please fee free to leave a comment, suggestion, or tip below.  :)

Monday, November 19, 2012

Dry Food Storage

Dry Food Storage
Using Oxygen absorbers and mylar.

Mylar bags and oxygen absorbers.

There are many dry foods (low moisture and low oil content) that you can store long-term, many years, by using oxygen absorbers.  With the oxygen absorbers, I use the mylar bags.  Some people prefer #10 cans or food-grade buckets for storage.  Some use mylar bags inside buckets.  I prefer (for now at least) to just use the mylar bags and then store them in a large plastic tub to keep mice and other things from them.  It's a personal preference I guess.  For me, it was cheaper to just get the bags and store them in the tubs that I already had.  Mylar bags can be reused and resealed also.  I personally get them on e-bay, but there are many places you can buy them on-line or at food storage stores.  I live in a remote area "in the boonies," and I doubt there is any place in town here that has that sort of thing.  Note, many bakeries will give away (or sell cheap) food-grade buckets when they are done with them.  When I ask, they seem to be all out.  lol

When using oxygen absorbers, it's very important to not open the packet until you have your bags ready to seal! You want them in the bags of food and sealed within 15-30 minutes of opening them or they won't work well.  

There are arguments on whether or not 'hand warmers' work as well as oxygen absorbers; but I'm not convinced myself.  Besides, the oxygen absorbers are inexpensive; so I'd rather play it safe and get those.  

To seal the mylar bags, you can just use a regular clothes iron.  Set it on hot, cotton/wool setting.  The bags seal in just a few seconds.  Very easy to do.  I place the edge of the bag on a piece of wood and just run the iron over the edge.  It doesn't hurt the iron any, and the iron doesn't hurt the mylar.  If the bag isn't completely full, I still just seal the edge so that there is more room for the bag to be resealed later if I want.  Don't forget to label the bag and date it so you know what is in there.  :) 

I actually sealed this bag a month ago (dehydrated 
hash browns).  I just took the picture to show you how 
I do it.  See how the oxygen absorber has done its job 
and sucked in the bag like it was vacuum sealed?  :)

Some foods that are said to last indefinitely 
without any special packing are:
honey (no additives)
baking soda
pure vanilla extract
white rice
hard liquor (can be used for different things)
corn syrup
pure maple syrup
distilled white vinegar.

(I would put some of these in a plastic bag for extra protection like the baking soda.)
There is a lot of different information out there about the shelf-life of foods.  I've also read articles about how many foods store a lot longer than first thought.  The cooler the temperature, the longer it will last.  Some of the foods that are said to last 30 years or more when kept at a temperature of around 70 with an oxygen absorber are wheat, white rice, pinto beans, rolled oats, pasta, potato flakes, non-fat powdered milk. (Brown rice doesn't store well because of the fatty acids.) Again, there is a lot of different information out there, but these do store well.  Dehydrated foods are also good for storing with oxygen absorbers. 

Here are a couple of articles about the shelf-life of many foods. 
Here is an article on oxygen absorbers. 

Not only is it a good idea to stock up some for emergencies; but with the rising prices going up and up and up, it can be a good idea to stock up for that reason too.  I like the oxygen absorbers because I can store some things away and just forget about it for a long time.  ;)  Of course I have other foods, like canned foods, that have to be rotated and used in a shorter amount of time.

Note, if you wish to store grains or legumes and not use oxygen absorbers, you may want to look into using food-grade diatomaceous earth.  You mix it in with the food, and it will take care of any bug problems that can arise.  It is organic, the fossilized remains of a type of algae.  If you want to sprout something, you would want to use this instead of an oxygen absorber.  Some people swear by bay leaves, but I'm not convinced about that from the things I've read.   

Update/Tip:  Why didn't I think of this before?!  If you get a bunch of mylar bags and can't fill them all at once, you can immediately seal some of the oxygen absorbers back in small mylar pouches in any quantity you want.  I cut a strip off the end of one of the mylar bags and used a kitty treat (mylar) bag to seal some in smaller quantities until I can get to them.  ;)
A kitty treat bag. 
 Juice pouches also come in mylar.

Oxygen absorbers sealed in smaller quantities.

 Please feel free to leave a comment, tip, or suggestion below.  :) 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Edible Mushrooms

This is another post that will be a work in progress as I will add to it now and then. check back.  :)

I'm in the northern US, so you may want to check to see if these grow in your area or not.  I'm not a mushroom expert.  I'm just sharing what I have learned and experienced myself.  I'm sure you've heard it before but "If in doubt, throw it out!" As with any new food like this, you should try a small amount at first to make sure you are not allergic or if you are sensitive to certain foods.

When it comes to wild edibles like mushrooms, I never trust just one web site's information.  I search several places to make sure I have the right mushroom and that it is indeed edible.  I look through different photos and compare.  I look for notes on look-alike mushrooms that are poisonous.  If they are a harder mushroom to identify, I will see what color spores they are supposed to have.  ...and, if I'm still not certain, I don't eat it.

Doing a spore print is easy.  Simply take the cap off and set it on a piece of paper or glass for several hours to overnight and see what color pattern it makes.  I try to use a color that isn't too dark or too light so that I can see the pattern whether the spores are dark or light.  Some people will use both white and dark paper.

Yes, we need to be careful and make sure we don't pick and eat anything poisonous; but on the other hand, I don't want to scare people away from foraging because there could be some very tasty things right outside their door. 

FYI, I found this nice article about identifying mushrooms that has drawings of the different identifying characteristics of mushrooms.  (click here)

Coral Mushroom

These can also be found in late summer to fall.  There are different varieties and the color varies some.  I found some of these nice white ones.  I've eaten others that are a little more tan and have more of a branch appearance than coral.  Do a search on-line and check out different pictures.  They are usually found under conifer trees.  They are said, in some people, to have a laxative effect or cause mild stomach upset.  I've never had any problem.  Just don't eat a bunch at once until you have tried them. 

I've had these brown ones, growing out of the ground, that were 
good; but the ones growing out of a tree tasted terrible, so it can vary.

Chicken of the Woods or Sulphur Shelf 

You can find these in the fall, and they are usually found on dead trees or growing up from tree roots.  Note, you shouldn't eat these if they are growing on a conifer tree (such as pine, tamarack, cedar, etc.)   If it is the Laetiporus Suphureus, it will have a yellow underside; and the inner part may be too tough to eat unless you boil it for a while.  If it is the Laetiporus Cincinatus, it will have a white underside and grows on underground roots of trees or from the base of trees; and the whole mushroom is good to eat, although both are fully edible.  You want to cook them thoroughly. 
Here is more information.  (click here)

Honey Mushrooms or Stumpers

Ok, this is one you have to be very careful about as there is another mushroom that looks very much like this one; so only try it if you are sure you have the right one.   A spore print is very helpful to identify this one.  They normally grow on or near old stumps or rotting wood in clusters and are brown.  I have some in my yard that are more of a grayish color too.  When identifying Honey Mushrooms, they have a "five o'clock shadow" or what looks like fine hairs or stubble on the cap that concentrate in the center.  Do a spore print.  They have white spores.  

I used to flour them before I fried them because they are slimy when wet; but when I tried sauteing them in butter the way I do Morels, oh my goodness!  So good.  I like to cook them well until they are almost crunchy.  ...but that's just me.  :)  To freeze them, boil for 5 minutes. 

Here are a few of my photos.

Look for the "5 o'clock shadow" in the center.

These ones are more grayish to me and in different part of 
my yard than the others, but they are also Honey Mushrooms. 

Nice BIG one.  :)

For more photos I took of these (and a poisonous one) .... (click here)

Lion's Mane

Also apparently known as the Bearded Tooth mushroom and the Pom Pom mushroom.  They are white to yellowish with age.  They grow on dead or dying hardwood, specially oak and beech.  You can find them in late summer and fall.  They are said to grow higher up on the trees. I actually found this one on a birch in the woods behind my house.  Cook slowly and, after some of the moisture is gone, add a little butter.  You can saute them and freeze them for later. They have a little bit of a seafood flavor.  I loved it.  Yum!  I've only ever seen this one and a couple of little ones by it.

Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms are called that because of their appearance, not their taste.  They have a white to light gray/lilac spore print.  The gills are decurrent meaning they go down onto the base.  You will find them on dead trees or logs.  Some of the Oyster mushrooms can have a bit of a licorice scent.  The ones I picked didn't.  They can be dried, sauteed in butter and frozen, or blanched (add to boiling water, boil for 3 minutes, and then rinse with cold water) and frozen.

Oyster mushroom is a broad term for many different similar kinds, so I wanted to include plenty of links that you can check out for more information if you would like:

Mushroom Appreciation (click here)
Mushroom Expert   (click here)
Roger's Mushrooms   (click here)
Tom Volk's   (click here)

Pink Bottom Mushrooms

Also known as Meadow Mushroom and Horse Mushroom. 

I can't believe I just learned about these this summer, and they were in my own back yard!  I thought they were the same poisonous white ones that grow in my front yard; but if you turn them over, they are pink underneath and very tasty.  Actually, they start out light pink underneath and then turn a brighter pink and then turn a dark brown.  They taste kind of like the button mushrooms you buy in the store but more flavorful.  I did a spore print just to be sure I tried them.  They have a dark brown spore print.  (The poisonous white ones have a white spore print.)  I simply saute them in a little butter and sometimes scramble eggs with them. 

The cap.

Here is another site you can check out for details. (Click here.) 


I love puffballs but mainly because I find them in my yard in the fall and know other places to find them.  The taste is actually quite mild.  For beginning mushroomers, these are a pretty safe mushroom to start with unless you get careless.  Just make sure to slice them and check inside to make sure there is no evidence of gills or a stem forming (young poisonous mushroom).  Also, you want to eat them before they start to turn yellow or brown inside.  They should have a uniform appearance inside like a nice slice of bread. There are no poisonous puffballs.  There is a look-a-like "pigskin puffball" that is poisonous, but you can't mistake it as it is black inside.  It has an off appearance of a "pig skin" on the outside also.

You can cook with them many ways.  Some people even bake them into bread.  I simply fry them in a little butter and scramble eggs with them.  Yum!  I have some in my freezer now.  You can saute them and then freeze them or dehydrate them.    

I find a few different kinds.  There are the small white ones ("gem-studded"), some larger ones that look a little more yellow and get bigger, and some that grow directly on dead trees; but they are more rubbery and not really worth picking.  I finally found a couple of the "giant puffballs" this summer but they were too far gone already!  I was so disappointed!!!  I took some pictures though.

 No good.  Too far gone.  :(

Shaggy Mane

Also known as "Inky Cap" or "Lawyer's Wig," the Shaggy Mane, Coprinus Comatus, has a bullet-like shape when it comes up, before the cap opens, and is covered with delicate  white scales.  They are a favorite among mushroomers and easy to identify; but if you are new to Shaggys, they may be a littler harder to identify when they are first coming up from a couple of others; so wait until they start to mature.  When it matures, the mushroom's cap starts to turn into an inky black goo, starting at the bottom edge and then melting up.  They should be eaten within 4-6 hours of picking as they deteriorate fast or you can saute them and freeze them.  You can find them in late summer and fall and are often found in yards and along gravel roads.  They are very good in soups, stews, and sauces.  I like them sauteed and mixed in scrambled eggs myself.  :)  Shaggy Mane can rarely cause a mild reaction in some people when consumed with alcohol, so you may want to stay away from alcohol when eating them.  

Shaggy Mane turning to an inky goo.


I found an interesting time-lapse video clip on youtube of  Shaggy Manes growing and then turning to goo.  (click here)

If you are new to Shaggy Manes, here are a couple of mushrooms to look up and avoid:  "Alchol Inky", Coprinus Atramentarius.  These can cause a severe reaction when consumed with alcohol.  Here is a nice article with photos. (click here)

 Scaly Inky Cap, Coprinopsis variegata, should be avoided as it's known to cause stomach upset.  It has white  scales but not the overall white color of the Shaggy.  It has light brown scales as it starts to mature.  Here are some photos.  (click here)

Finally had a couple of Shaggy Manes pop up on my property this year, Parasol ones.  I don't remember seeing those before but here is a photo I took.  So tasty!!!  Just wish I could find more!  
Shaggy Mane, Parasol


Slippery Jacks

As always, make sure you have the right mushroom and, if in doubt, throw it out.  I thought these were just ok, and I'll eat a couple in the fall; but it is nice to know what is edible in case you are in a survival situation.  These are normally found growing under pine trees.  I found these under my Tamarack tree.  You want to peel the skin off the cap as they can make you ummm go to the bathroom a lot, putting it delicately.  You should also cut the spores off on the bottom side of the cap (not sure why).  The spore print is brown. 

Here is the "mushroom expert" site to check for more information on these.  (Click here.)

More to come soon! 
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